Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumour has it…

Cable & Wireless Seychelles has appointed an interim Chief Executive Officer, following the departure of Usman Saadat.

Charles Hammond, who was the company’s Financial Controller, now heads Seychelles’ largest telecommunication until a permanent replacement is named.

The highlight of Mr Saadat’s two years tenure is the setting up of the Rs65m GPRS system, making Cable & Wireless the first local telecommunication company to offer Mobile Internet.

According to reports in a local paper, Mr Saadat whose work permits expired on November 2nd, wanted to stay in Seychelles until March 2007, but was refused an extension to his work permit by the government.

Regar newspaper labeled the decision not to grant a work permit to the head of a large company as “regrettable,” because: “it shows that Government still acts according to its own whims when it comes to treating foreign investors.”

So far there’s been no denial or confirmation of the story from either Cable & Wireless or the government.